Guess what? October just isn't my month. So I was on the way to school early tues morning. I was exiting calpoly exit. and I see to CHP there chilling already have somebody pulled over. There was a lady and front of me and he was telling both of us to go. And he just straight up walked in front of me and told me to stop, I was going about 10mph. So i'm like wtf. whats this guys problem. and he tells me to pull back. So I do of course, I'm relaxed since i'm almost done with my stog. I ask him if i could throw it out, he said no that would be littering, and that shows Don't deal with cops good when i'm relaxed. so I put it out in my coin holder. and wait, I told him i'm running a little late for class just to break the ice a little. So they take their sweet as time. So that being so I already knew they would be a dick, they tried to get me for my exhaust, asked me to rev the car to 3,000 hold it there and let off, I'm suprised it didn't shoot fire that time, thank baby jesus, but I outsmarted him out of that ticket.. Of course normal routine pop your hood, yadda yadda yadda, It looks stock to me. blah. So I got away that day with just a "TOO LOW" ticket. legal height is 22" my car is at 19" and he measured from the top like an idiot. its Supposed to be the middle of the headlight. Even I know that, So i'll be raising my car soon for a day or so. So I boost away in the tunnel, and pop a fireball at them. And then today weds, on my way to metal coaters for a big delivery, I see a truck cop think nothing of it because their usually all chumps. So i'm driving speed limit as hes racing to catch up to me. I pull over before he does, because I already know why hes speeding up. I tell him i'm on a delivery could you fuck off. (Nah thats what i was thinking.) but in a polite way. So I do everything he tells me to pop the hood, looks stock but whats that filter, so I sit there for like 5 mins explaining to him how much old cars need new filters because their POS's he doesn't really buy it so I close up and he tells me to get in the car. Again another cop takes his sweet ass time. I tell him I already got reffed he asks for the certicicate, but I told him Its at my house. So he asks more and more questions, and finally he does his paperwork, shows my shit is clean I haven't done anything, but still gives me a ref and says if it passed fine, it'll pass again fine. He sees my other ticket and asks about it, and I tell him just another thing to do. Thanks for making my schelude even busier. Asshole. So this cop got me for "modified exhaust", and "Smog equipment modification", I'll have to sit on this for a while, trying not to think about it and turn the other cheek until I get back to work, and they brought chinese food. And my fortune cookie says "In life, it's good not to get too confortable."
I face palm real quick and catch a stog. Just when I was getting comfortable with my sr I feel the chocolate rain. Oh well the wheels keep spinning and life goes on. I know i'll find a way out of this. I love the car and I hate it at the same time.